Sunday, January 29, 2006

..39.. onward

i guess i'm not exactly *travelling* right now. not physically. but journeys exist in all dimensions, and if one dimension suddenly becomes still, the rest have a way of moving faster for a time.

the end of my southeast asian journey left me temporarily satiated with international exploration. booting up my brain again took only a few days, and it feels great to be fully using it in its analytic capacity once again.

i've started my new job at evergreen solar. it was a whirlwind of adjustments to move to boston and start a job. finding a new apartment, buying my first car, living near my sister and boyfriend, and adjusting to employed life.

i can feel the arrangement of my new life beginning to stabilize, so i'm finally able to step off the carousel and watch for a moment. and i see a very happy existence!

i simply can't say enough good things about my relationships with chris and nikki, the people at work, the nature of the work, old buddies in town, and the homey feel of cambridge.